Gilly is a podiatrist who recommends Calla and wears the shoes herself

When my ex-work colleague, Jenni Bailey, first emailed me about her shoe business I was surprised but very interested – I was the Podiatrist with the expertise, I could definitely help her especially because I suffer with enlarged joints too. What I didn’t bargain for was her experience with her own painful feet, leading to her considerable practical research into materials, pattern cutting, shape, comfort; she had already done all the hard work.
Bunions (Hallux Valgus) cause not only pain and deformity, they make shoe buying a complete nightmare especially for ladies who want something for a special occasion other than a standard wide, flat shoe.
Jenni has changed this concept, her shoes have not only extra width and extra depth but there are soft areas over the bony prominence of the big toe joint – which rubs in normal shoes. I tried her flat ballet pumps, because they are padded on the ball of the foot they give the second metatarsal phalangeal joint some extra cushioning, the leather over the enlarged joint area is softened by perforations, the upper is extended to cover the joint so it limits any rubbing. The sides of the shoe and the heel counter are stiffened and supportive.
This is a shoe you could wear all day, the style is very well thought through, I would say, it’s a shoe which not only accommodates bunions but looks great, feels good and fits well.
Well done, Calla is definitely worth recommending.